Financial Management Platform

Streamline Your Financial Processes with Finstack's Exact Online Integration

Finstack centralizes your financial data from Exact Online into one platform, simplifying your reporting and boosting efficiency.

Start your free 30-day trial

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“We found the perfect financial reporting software, which is flexible and supports cross-group collaboration.”

About Exact Online

Exact Online automates essential business processes like accounting, ERP, HRM, and CRM with a modular approach. Finstack integrates seamlessly with Exact Online

Connecting Finstack with Exact Online

Connecting Finstack with Exact Online is quick and simple! Just log into Finstack, go to Setup > Sources, select Exact Online, and follow the on-screen steps. You’ll be guided through setting up permissions, and the connection will be established automatically.

How it works

Finstack eliminates the manual work of consolidating and presenting data and includes real-time insights through interactive dashboards.

This allows you to focus on what matters most - making strategic decisions to improve financial health.

Sync your data

Connect to Exact Online, and Finstack will automatically pull and consolidate your financial data, eliminating manual entry and reducing errors.

Organise your data

Customize your reports to meet internal and stakeholder requirements, and map accounts with just a couple of click.

Report in real-time

Generate dynamic reports and dashboards that provide clear, actionable insights into your financial performance, offering full visibility into every transaction.

Align and Collaborate

Quickly align stakeholders with centralized finance data. Enable discussions on key data points, driving collaboration and empowering teams to take timely action and adjust strategies.

Finstack way of working

Transform financial operations into strategic decision-making with Finstack.

Automated processes
Automate tedious tasks like data entry, report consolidation, and IC eliminations, freeing up time to focus on strategic decision-making for improved financial health.
Save time on Month-End Close
Finstack users save an average of 12 hours on their month-end close, allowing for more time dedicated to analysis and planning.
Simplified reporting
Generate P&L, Balance Sheets, Cashflow statements, and Budget Reports with just a few clicks - no hassle, no delays.
Multi-Entity consolidation
Consolidate across multiple entities seamlessly, ensuring accuracy and compliance without manual adjustments.
Fast onboarding, no learning curve
Get started in hours, not weeks. Finstack’s intuitive design makes it easy for your team to hit the ground running.

Used by finance leaders at these leading companies

"We found the perfect reporting platform, which is flexible and supports cross-group collaboration. Finstack is easy to use, has shortened the reporting cycle, and has reduced costs. Most importantly, it supports data-driven decisions and accountability by business owners."

Rudolf Maas Geesteranus

CFO, RocketX

See for yourself how Finstack makes your life easier with the one-month free trial.

That means you get all the benefits. With zero risk.


Here are some of the questions we get asked most frequently.

What is Finstack exactly?

Finstack is a financial management platform. Integrate Finstack with your ERP or bookkeeping tool, sync your data, and start reaping the benefits of working with Finstack.

How do I connect Finstack with Exact Online?

Connecting Finstack with Exact Online is quick and simple! Just log into Finstack, go to Setup > Sources, select Exact Online, and follow the on-screen steps. You’ll be guided through setting up permissions, and the connection will be established automatically.

Is my data secure with Finstack?

Absolutely. We are committed to data safety, as evidenced by our ISO27001 certification. Learn more about Finstack safety protocol.

For whom is Finstack?

Our tool is currently being used by controllers, CFOs, CEOs, and investors. At multiple levels in the business, Finstack proves to be a powerful tool to reduce manual work and help to get strategic insights. Easier reporting, faster consolidation, optimized cash flow management, quick due diligence insights – everything is there to help the full array of (finance) professionals and executives with their financial management.

Can I try Finstack for free?

Yes, Finstack offers a 30-day Free Trial.

How long will it take before I can create my first report?

A few hours. At max. Sync your data, customize the report to your needs, and you’ll have your real-time report within no time.

Will I be able to create customized reports and dashboards?

Yes. Every report and dashboard is fully customizable.