
Release notes July 29, 2024

Filters per session

Contrary to earlier behaviour, filter settings (such as the Entity filter) now are active per user instead of per organisation. This means that changes from a different team member will no longer influence the environment that you are browsing through as a user.

Working Capital - Aging 

Four widgets have been added to the Aging overview, to provide additional stats next to the chart. Click the info icon to understand their calculations. Click on a Relation to filter the view to just their transactions. Use the toggle to include or exclude IC relations (configured in Admin) in the view. 

Cost centers in Adjustments

It is now possible to add cost centers to Adjustments. Just add the cost center while creating the Adjustment, or while editing existing Adjustments.

Cost center filter forecast tab

The forecast tab in Finance > Reporting now also has a cost center filter. This will allow you to create separate forecasts per cost center and track their performance by filtering the actuals on the respective cost center.

Notification when new data is available

The status indicator in the left menu will now clearly show when new data is available. Press the refresh button to reload the page you are on.

As always, don’t hesitate to contact us with suggestions or missing features! Please reach out to sebastiaan [at] instack.io directly.

What’s next

The new quarter has started and we are gearing up for grouping entities (sub consolidations) and forecast scenarios per entity. The Excel integration and indirect Cash flow statement are on their way in the coming weeks. We will re-release more pages in the new design week by week, so you will slowly be introduced to the new look-and-feel.

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