
Release notes June 3, 2024

Reporting - Analysis 

You can now access the revamped Analysis page in Reporting. Configure the first column as the reference month and compare it to the second and third columns, that can both contain Actuals or Scenarios. Deltas will be calculated automatically, both absolute and relative, and a YTD comparison is provided optionally. You can download the full overview to Excel.

Finstack Analysis Page

Working Capital - Cash overview

Besides the Aging and Relations overview in Working Capital, we have added a new page to monitor your Cash accounts. First configure your Cash GLAs in Admin and get a full overview, including Cash position and Cash flow, and use the filters for deeper analysis. If you have multiple currencies, you can translate the amounts to the reporting currency. Original currencies will be available in the transaction drill-down.

Finstack Cash Overview Page

Working Capital - Relations

We have added two columns to the Relations page in Working Capital. You will now also see the relative contribution of the relation (customer or supplier) to the total and which mappings this relation is involved in. 

Last actual month

Upon request, we have configured that the ‘Last actual month’ configured in Admin under Reporting settings is applied across the tool; including all tables and charts. This means that no actual data will be loaded beyond this month (forecast scenarios however will).

Vue3 and Laravel 11

The Finstack team always has an eye out for opportunities to make the platform more stable. We have recently updated the underlying system to Laravel 11 and we are working on migrating all pages to Vue3. This will lead to a more reliable and responsive experience.

As always, don’t hesitate to contact us with suggestions or missing features! Please reach out to sebastiaan [at] instack.io directly.

What’s next

While this quarter is coming to an end, we are planning to release a new approach to grouping entities (sub consolidations). Next to this, we will introduce the ability to create forecast scenarios per entity. We are researching the upcoming Excel integration that will further improve exporting and importing data. Lastly, we have lined up a new way to build the Cash flow statement. This will make use of references to the Balance sheet (and optionally P&L for Earnings), instead of the current GLA mapping.

Finally, a tool created by CFOs for CFOs and finance professionals.

Save days’ worth of valuable time. Error-free reports by design. Get insights you never had before.